On Saturday, David and I decided to drive down to Seattle for the day. I haven't been able to work since my lovely clavicle was snapped in two, so time has been slowly drifting by during what is not really summer here in Vancouver. (that was an awkward sentence, wasn't it?)
Compared to Vancouver's brown, oily water ways, Seattle has blue, sparkly water (or so it seems). I liked it. The skyline was short and sweet, nothing like the gross display of glass and brick that plagues your vision has you enter downtown Vancouver....(it's not that bad, I guess, it's prettier). It was a warm, beautiful day in the Northwest, so I can't complain!
We went grave hunting!
The traffic was crazy! It was HOT! and it took at least an hour to get from the freeway to the water, so I propped up my scabby feet (from last Monday's epic fall) and waited it out.
Fixing my sweet sling in the middle of the street.
(it constantly comes loose!) |
My left arm is almost fully functional, but at times I still need the sling. Without David this past week, I wouldn't have had anyone to tighten my sling, pull up my pants, do up the clasps on my bra, zip up my zippers...etc... (much needed David love)
Yum Yum Charcuterie spread on the pier.
(meat, bread, cheese) |
Near the end of the day, we drove to a neighborhood that is 'Fremont'. I really, really liked it. We found the Fremont Bridge Troll, Theo Chocolates and a wonderful bike path along a glistening water way (with lots of ducks)
Samples galore! We also used this chocolate in a
taste test we had in School, I suggest you find some. |
A little Fremont Charm :) |
All in all, it was a wonderful day spent. I'm happy to live so close to some bigger cities in the States now, Portland is definitely next. Take it easy out there. Keep free of broken limbs and bad pastries.
sling love! |
Much <3