I'm sorry! This past week had been a little bit of a distraction. Let me share some good news with you....I finally acquired a baker's job....albeit, I make and bake cupcakes all day, it's a start and I am really happy with it. If you are in the Vancouver/Commercial Drive vicinity, please...come visit me!
Cassia Cupcakery!
I had two interviews as of late, one obviously worked out, but the other one is still looking for the one that wasn't me! I made them a little bribe though...brownies! Everyone loves them, right?! I hope so, cause they are one of the satisfying tasty-ness, if done excellent. Chewy, Chocolate, Cracky!
Sour Cream Ice Cream with Brownie |
I modified a Jamie Oliver recipe that David had made previously, but it was too moist to cut. I added oven dried cherries and toasted walnuts to these....most excellent! Just remember, if you are using fresh fruit in your baking, it's easier to dry them out to bake with them, because the moisture in the fruit will leech out into the baking and change the hydration, thus making them impossible to cut. I know you want to eat these right away, like us...but you have to wait! If anything, let them rest overnight and the next day they will be perfect to portion!
Thank you for reading! It's dinner time!